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How to improve the clarity of LED display

Time: 2022-10-08 00:00:00


In recent years, the rapid development of full-color LED Display, the popularization of the application field of full-color LED display and the popularity of music electronic display products, greatly promoted the development of all walks of life, especially we are engaged in full-c💦olor LED today said display application. We all 🧜know that the role of full color LED display is mainly advertising, but also one of the main media of information transmission, so the clarity of LED full color display is very necessary, so how to improve the LED display? What about the clarity of the screen?

Full color LED display

The realization of HD display needs four factors: one isཧ full HD, two is to support the full HD display requirements, three is to reduce the LED electronic screen and video processor combination point distance. Fourth, use a video processor.

1.improve the contrast of full color LED display

Contrast is one of the key factors affecting visual effects. In general, the higher the contrast, the sharper the image and the brighter the color. High contrast is very helpfu♛l for sharpness, detail and gray level of the image. Certain black-and-w🦹hite text, some high-contrast, full-color LED displays on video displays have the advantage of black-and-white contrast, sharpness, and integrity. Contrast has a greater effect on dynamic video display. Because in a moving image, the transition between light and dark is fast and the contrast is high, it is easier for the human eye to distinguish this transition process.

The contrast improvement of the true color LED electronic screen mainly focuses on improving the brightness of the full color LED electronic screen and reducing the reflectivity of the screen surface, but the higher the brightness, the be𒁃tter, too high will backfire, not only affect the life of the LED electronic screen, but also affect the light pollution. Light pollution is a hot topic♏ right now. Too much brightness can affect the environment and the population. Full color LED panel and LED light tube, special treatment els to reduce LED flood reflectivity and improve contrast of true color LED display.

2. Improve the gray level of the full-color LED electronic screen

Grayscale refers to the range of brightness from a single base color brightness to the darkest to brightest color of a full-color LED electronic screen. The higher the gray level of the full color LED electronic screen, the richer the color, the richer the color. Instead, it shows a single color and simple deformation. Increasing the grayscale can significantly increase the color depth and thus exponentially increase the dis🍰play level of the image color. LED grayscale control levels range from 14 to 16 bits, bringing image-level resolution detail and display performance of high-end display products to the highest level in the world. With the development of hardware technology, LED gray level is also constantly developing to higher control accuracy.

3.reduce the point distance of the full color led display

Reducing the point distance of the true color LED electronic screen can improve the clarity. The smaller the point distance of the true color LED electronic screen, the more detailed the display picture. But there needs to be a proven core support technology, investment is high, and the price๊ of making full-color LED displays is high, but now the market has shifted to small-pitch LED displays.

4. Use a video processor

LED video processors use advanced algorithms to correct poor image quality signals and perform various processing such as deinterspacing, edge sharpening, motion compensation and more to improve image detail and quality. Using video processor image sca🦩ling processing algorithm, maximize the retention of video image sharpness and gray.

How to improve the clarity of LED display
n recent years, the rapid development of full-color LED display, the popularity of the application field of full-color LED display and the popularity of electronic display products, greatly promoted the......
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